Friday, March 13, 2015

Lost Blog Post

A few days ago, I had the next "chapter" of my addiction chronicle almost fully typed. It is (was...going to be...) titled, "New House, New Habit, New...Baby?". It was long, very long; it covered about two months of my life. However, I use my phone to type this, as I can't find my laptop (how can I not find a laptop?!). Sometime in the next few days, I will redo it. In the meantime, check out my "random" blog, The Life and Times of Kim. In the earlier entries, I talk some about my drug issues before my heroin habit started; I just don't get into it as deeply as I do with this one.


  1. Hi Kim. Just stumbled across your blog via the Social Media Weekly Google + linky party. I'm an ex addict (marijuana - 16 year addiction) and live in Australia and am nearly 4 years clean. Am a new follower. Good luck on your journey.


    1. Thank you!! I'm glad you found recovery and that it's working for you! I still have so much more to write, I'm in the middle of rewriting the post that I lost. I should have it finished sometime today or tomorrow!! Good luck with your journey as well!!

    2. Hi Damo! I wanted to check in to see how things were going!

    3. Hi Damo! I wanted to check in to see how things were going!
